Henkel x Jovoto
Henkel x Jovoto
Creative Direction / Conception / Art Direction

The world-renowned Henkel corporation entrusted Berlin's open innovation platform, Jovoto, to infuse fresh vitality into their product development initiatives. We conceptualised and realised an immersive exhibition within the esteemed confines of Henkel's Düsseldorf headquarters. Our primary objective? To seamlessly transport the vibrant essence of Berlin's startup ecosystem into the very core of Düsseldorf's corporate epicenter, thereby showcasing their groundbreaking product concepts and visions for iconic brands such as Schwarzkopf, Persil, Fa, Perwoll, Somat, and more.

Exhibition Design and Concept
To make the product innovation ideas tangible on-site, we designed a walk-in box that was placed in the central foyer. Upon entering the box, visitors can observe the new product concepts displayed on posters and printed on cubes. We used Tapeart in the foyer to guide visitors into the walk-in box.

Creativity at the heart of disruption.
Enter the immersive realm of the walk-in box at Henkel’s headquarters.

VR Walk
We’ve conjured up a VR journey through our Berlin office, a digital catapult that whisks visitors from the Henkel headquarters in Düsseldorf all the way to the vibrant heart of Betahaus in Berlin.